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Jan-25 Spot Market Report
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Jan-25 Spot Market Report

January maximum demand levels were low compared to historical levels resulting in relatively soft spot price outcomes, except for brief price volatility in QLD and NSW. High offers from Hydro kept TAS prices around $120/MWh. Gas prices retreated below $14/GJ in following a lengthy rally in Q4-24.
13 min read
Jan-25 Generation Report
Market Report paid

Jan-25 Generation Report

The NEM added 185MW capacity in January. Generator-Weighted Average prices declined for wind and solar farms in most regions, with solar farms facing deeper discounts to Time-Weighted Average prices. Solar curtailment remained high, particularly in SA. QLD's reliance on NSW during peak demand grows.
12 min read
Jan-25 Financial Market Report
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Jan-25 Financial Market Report

Carl Daley
Carl Daley
As we navigate through the summer season, the energy market is displaying several notable trends for Q1-25 as forward prices struggle to be delivered. We check the impact on the upcoming FY-25/26 which is a key component for Regulators setting the forthcoming regulated maximum residential tariffs.
6 min read
Nov-24 Spot Market Report
Market Report paid

Nov-24 Spot Market Report

High prices persisted in the electricity and gas spot markets during November, with extreme electricity spot prices in QLD and NSW, and surging gas spot prices in the STTM. The NEM survived the hottest November on record, but we aren’t out of the woods yet with a hot summer on the radar.
14 min read
Oct-24 Generation Report
Market Report paid

Oct-24 Generation Report

The NEM expanded its capacity by 167MW in October. While demand remained at historical lows, Generator-weighted Average prices strengthened across most regions. VIC continued to experience persistent negative prices, causing energy flows to shift towards regions with more favourable pricing.
12 min read
Oct-24 Spot Market Report
Market Report paid

Oct-24 Spot Market Report

Mild sunny weather led to record low minimum demand for the NEM as well as record lows in VIC and SA. Meanwhile QLD and NSW continued to separate from the rest of the NEM with significantly stronger power spot prices. Gas spot prices continued to rise with average prices around $13/GJ in October.
13 min read
Sep-24 Generation Report
Market Report paid

Sep-24 Generation Report

NEM capacity grew by 340MW in September. Strong winds and mild weather led to lower demand and extensive curtailment, depressing Generator-Weighted Average prices. Many farms increased reliance on Large-scale Generation Certificates for revenue. TAS transitioned from importer to net exporter to VIC.
12 min read
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