
32 posts
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Market Rules and the Numbers
Market paid

Market Rules and the Numbers

Carl Daley
Carl Daley
The rules are the rules, but prevailing numbers can move around driven by changes in perceptions. What an ending to the financial year. This article reflects on the rules learnt and then makes observations of the last two quarters in the context of the changing market conditions.
5 min read
Market players are poking the bear ...
Market public

Market players are poking the bear ...

Carl Daley
Carl Daley
Market players have been poking the bear, and the bear has responded which will destroy future value for private entities, and the high energy prices place the economy at risk, at a time when it can least afford it.
8 min read
Challenging election power prices
Market public

Challenging election power prices

Carl Daley
Carl Daley
Australia has voted for a change of Government, and as the Labor Party settles-in living with the largest crossbench in history, the timing of the handover from the Coalition carries challenging circumstances. Energy prices are no exception.
2 min read
April market prices surge
Market public

April market prices surge

Carl Daley
Carl Daley
The planets have aligned leading to unprecedented market prices in all mainland States, that will add to growing cost of living pressures. Despite election promises of lower power prices, the immediate future is moving in the opposite direction.
3 min read
Snowy Hydro crushes summer spot prices
Market public

Snowy Hydro crushes summer spot prices

Carl Daley
Carl Daley
Summers are often a very strategic quarter, and this summer is no exception. Our reading of the tea leaves suggest that Snowy Hydro is successfully keeping NSW spot prices contained, to leverage their position.
3 min read
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