This report is the third and final part of our Annual Report series, and focusses on generation, demand and reserve levels. There are 7 components of the report providing a range of insights and conclusions.

The topics covered in this Part are:
- New Generation covering large scale and solar PV
- Generation addressing generation by technology for NEM wide and each Region, showing changes in market share with and without Solar PV (which is not managed by AEMO), curtailment for wind and solar farms, emissions and finally spot price premium (discount) for wind and solar farms
- Interconnector flows between Regions showing changing trends
- Water Storage levels for Snowy Hydro and HydroTas and how they they have recovered
- Operational Demand annual, monthly and intraday where the intraday highlight the impact of solar PV and strong overnight trends
- Lack of Reserve notices showing how the market is operating with higher risks
- Weather for the year for each Capital City