Carl Daley

Carl is a co-founder of SavvyPlus, SavvyBI & Empower Analytics with over 25 years of experience in energy market analytics, with key skills in mathematical modelling and risk management.
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Carl Daley
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Jul-24 Spot Market Report
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Jul-24 Spot Market Report

Electricity spot prices remained high across the NEM in July as very low temperatures drove strong demand. SA experienced extreme price volatility late in the month as cold temperatures coincided with very low wind generation. East Coast gas spot prices also remained high averaging above $13/GJ.
14 min read
Jul-24 Generation Report
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Jul-24 Generation Report

The NEM added 311MW of new generation capacity in July. Calm and cold weather conditions in SA, VIC, and TAS at the end of the month led to low wind output and market volatility. Gas generation increased to compensate. VIC exports to TAS reached record high levels for July.
13 min read
Jun-24 Spot Market Report
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Jun-24 Spot Market Report

Electricity and gas spot price volatility intensified in June. The portion of electricity spot prices around $300/MWh swelled pushing average monthly prices beyond $150/MWh. Average daily gas hub prices hit $28/GJ in Sydney and Melbourne after AEMO announced a gas supply risk for the coming months.
15 min read
May-24 Generation Report
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May-24 Generation Report

There were 861MW of new generation connections in May. Despite rising wind and solar Generator-Weighted-Average prices, most NEM regions continued to have large discounts to their Time-Weighted-Average prices. Additionally, most NEM regions reported lower wind and solar curtailment rates.
15 min read
May-24 Spot Market Report
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May-24 Spot Market Report

May was marked by extreme price volatility in NSW where the CPT was exceeded on 8 May triggering Administered Pricing, while low wind generation contributed to high average spot prices in the southern states despite lower demand levels. Gas spot prices soared averaging above $13/GJ for all regions.
16 min read
Apr-24 Spot Market Report
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Apr-24 Spot Market Report

Spot prices strengthened in April with a very high portion of price outcomes between $100 to $300/MWh pushing the NEM average April price to $85/MWh compared to $75/MWh for Q1-24. Forward prices significantly rallied during the month. Gas spot prices also strengthened but averaged just below $12/GJ.
14 min read
Mar-24 Financial Market Report
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Mar-24 Financial Market Report

The electricity forward market rallied in the southern states as news of potential gas shortages for Victoria circled in the media. Q1-25 traded most heavily during the quarter, especially for QLD which remains stubbornly high despite the return of Callide C3 and the expected return of C4 this July.
6 min read
Mar-24 Spot Market Report
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Mar-24 Spot Market Report

March was the least eventful month for Q1-24, with lower spot prices for most of the month apart from a Labor Day long weekend heatwave for VIC and SA, and some oppressive humidity hitting QLD later in the month. Both occasions coincided with low levels of VRE resulting in high price volatility.
15 min read
Summer Reflections
Battery public

Summer Reflections

Carl Daley
Carl Daley
This article reviews the summer of 2024 which was a wild ride consisting of volatile spot prices, market price expectations having a mixed performance, the consolidation of the twin peaks dynamic, and battery energy storage systems having a tough day in the office.
9 min read
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