Jay Ros

Jay is an experienced energy analyst specialising in market energy tenders, PPAs, progressive purchasing and an array of energy services. He shares his extensive knowledge through our market report.
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Jay Ros
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Jan-25 Spot Market Report
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Jan-25 Spot Market Report

January maximum demand levels were low compared to historical levels resulting in relatively soft spot price outcomes, except for brief price volatility in QLD and NSW. High offers from Hydro kept TAS prices around $120/MWh. Gas prices retreated below $14/GJ in following a lengthy rally in Q4-24.
13 min read
Nov-24 Spot Market Report
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Nov-24 Spot Market Report

High prices persisted in the electricity and gas spot markets during November, with extreme electricity spot prices in QLD and NSW, and surging gas spot prices in the STTM. The NEM survived the hottest November on record, but we aren’t out of the woods yet with a hot summer on the radar.
14 min read
Oct-24 Spot Market Report
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Oct-24 Spot Market Report

Mild sunny weather led to record low minimum demand for the NEM as well as record lows in VIC and SA. Meanwhile QLD and NSW continued to separate from the rest of the NEM with significantly stronger power spot prices. Gas spot prices continued to rise with average prices around $13/GJ in October.
13 min read
Sep-24 Spot Market Report
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Sep-24 Spot Market Report

The NEM Q3 average price finished the highest since the 2022 Energy Crisis despite extremely low September prices for VIC and TAS. In SA, volatile winds drove volatile spot prices, while mild days with high VRE crushed prices in VIC and TAS. Meanwhile, NSW and QLD had above average price levels.
14 min read
Sep-24 Financial Market Report
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Sep-24 Financial Market Report

Forward electricity contract prices went for a wild ride in Q3-24. Volatile weather played a significant part in driving price outcomes, with strong price rallies in July and August followed by softening prices in September, closing well below market expectations at the beginning of the quarter.
8 min read
Jul-24 Spot Market Report
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Jul-24 Spot Market Report

Electricity spot prices remained high across the NEM in July as very low temperatures drove strong demand. SA experienced extreme price volatility late in the month as cold temperatures coincided with very low wind generation. East Coast gas spot prices also remained high averaging above $13/GJ.
14 min read
Jun-24 Spot Market Report
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Jun-24 Spot Market Report

Electricity and gas spot price volatility intensified in June. The portion of electricity spot prices around $300/MWh swelled pushing average monthly prices beyond $150/MWh. Average daily gas hub prices hit $28/GJ in Sydney and Melbourne after AEMO announced a gas supply risk for the coming months.
15 min read
May-24 Generation Report
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May-24 Generation Report

There were 861MW of new generation connections in May. Despite rising wind and solar Generator-Weighted-Average prices, most NEM regions continued to have large discounts to their Time-Weighted-Average prices. Additionally, most NEM regions reported lower wind and solar curtailment rates.
15 min read
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