November was another busy month in the energy markets. Energy news and announcements were very prevalent in the media, many of which were covered in our busy November edition of Energy Market Bytes with some of the highlights included in the Market Report below.
Nov-22 Energy Market Report

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Market Report
Feb-25 Spot Market Report
Tasmania’s average spot price for February was the highest in the NEM, despite exceptionally low demand and accounted for almost half of all FCAS cost for the month. East coast gas spot prices remained high at around $13.50/GJ for the DWGM, and $12.50/GJ in Victoria’s STTM.
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Market Report
Feb-25 Generation Report
February brought no new connections to the NEM. Generator-Weighted Average prices improved for solar and wind across most regions, except QLD. Solar and wind farms continued to face large curtailment. VIC was the dominant energy exporter while TAS was the biggest importer in February.
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Market Report
Feb-25 Financial Market Report
The Q1-25 spot price continues to struggle to meet pre-summer expectations and the forward market has now resigned to this lower level. The lower Q1 prices have led to the FY-25/26 forward prices also softening in the northern States.
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