The future of energy

Carl Daley
Carl Daley
The future of energy

Our very own Carl Daley presenting at Futureproofing Procurement Conference

The Australian energy market is facing huge challenges in the transition from carbon-intensive generation to renewable generation. Looking at the east coast of Australia, the domestic natural gas market is now connected to the global LNG market, and as a consequence the low-cost gas that used to underpin our gas market for power generation, industry and smaller consumers is now a long distant memory. The power market has closed more than 6,000MW of generation capacity due to aging and uneconomic power plants. Australia is experiencing a rapid change in the energy markets. The fastest pace ever experienced in our history, with the pace of change accelerating, not declining.

Managing Director at SavvyPlus and Co-Founder of SavvyBI, Carl Daley has a track record in innovation and strategic leadership. Joining the electricity market in 1995, Carl held senior positions with Powercor. Origin Energy and Loy Yang Power before co-founding Creative Energy Solution in 2003. Creative became Australia’s premier electricity consultant for large end-use clients and helped establish a new industry best-practice standard for large corporate consumers under Carl’s leadership, due in large part to sophisticated risk managed procurement products and energy accounting services. In 2010, Carl became head of Global Strategy for the UK, Europe, Asia and USA for Scottish based M&C Energy Group, which purchased Creative. He returned to Australia as head of APAC Operations in 2012 and subsequently formed SavvyPlus in 2014, a market leader in the provision of energy advice and services and now considers it a privilege to lead the talented SavvyPlus Consulting team.

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