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Origin Energy sticks to strategy
Market public

Origin Energy sticks to strategy

Carl Daley
Carl Daley
Origin Energy announced early last year they planned to run Eraring less often. Despite a unit outage since August, Origin is sticking with the strategy. In the meantime NSW spot prices have been strong, and forward prices have been escalating.
4 min read
Merry Christmas for Summer
Market public

Merry Christmas for Summer

Carl Daley
Carl Daley
As the year approaches an end, we thank all visitors and subscribers to energybyte. We also wish everyone a safe and enjoyable Christmas and New Year. Finally, we recap on market prices over summer, which appear very hot, perhaps too hot and unlikely to be reached.
4 min read
Basslink goes into voluntary administration
Market public

Basslink goes into voluntary administration

Carl Daley
Carl Daley
Basslink which connects the mainland and Tasmania was placed into voluntary administration. This article recaptures the history, reviews the financial performance of Basslink against HydroTas Board's expectations, and then finally discusses potential buyers.
12 min read
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